In the neighbourhood of Devrukh, Matrumandir has developed an agricultural farm on 25 acres of land with special voluntary labour inputs from the students’ and youth camps organised during 1969-76. This farm is irrigated by three wells fitted with electric motors and the students have voluntarily constructed one of the wells referred above. The farm is a research-cum-demonstration centre where hte technology recommended by Dr. Babasaheb Savant Konkan Krishi Vidyapith, is purposefully adopted. The farmers are invited periodically, to visit the farm and given guidance in selection of seeds, use of water, fertilisers and in adoption of innovative agricultural practices in general. The farm is well equipped with the agriculture training and camping structure that received the support of Planning Commission, Government of India. The farm centre facilitates in condulcting agriculture and hosticulture development workshops frequently sponsored by the public and NGO sectors.
The farm also supplies the seedlings of Mango, Guava, Chickoo, Coconut, Social Forestry plants, etc. to the farmers. It also meets partially the day to day needs i.e. food grains, vegetable and fruits, for the hospital, nursery schools, creches, the Children Homes and other institutions of Matrumandir. There is a hostel on the farm, which accomodates poor students. They are provided with free lodging and boarding since they participate in agricultural operations on the farm during their leisure time. They thus gain experience and learn the dignity of labour through activities like agriculture, horticulture, etc. In Sadavali, plantation of mango trees and other plants have been done successfully particularly on ther deccan trap. The attempts are also made to use the land for production of vegetables. As a self exployment experimentation, the youth are encouraged and trained to run a poultry unit and cashew processing unit that exist at Sadavali centre.